Reverse engineering a smart scale

8 minute read Published: 2024-02-24


One thing I hate more than anything with devices these days are how annoying they can be in terms of providing a simple functionality without login. Android has such a brilliant way of storing your data locally that I think pretty much anything can be stored here without having to resort to email or god forbid one click login from fb, google, apple and what not.

So this story begin with me finally resorting to getting a weighing scale to manage my health and while I was looking into it, I could not find any reasonable smart scales with no login or local login feature but I wanted a smart scale to see a pretty graph on my homeassistant dashboard to motivate me into working out. Since I couldn't find one that's cheap with the features I wanted, I just bought the cheapest one that I could find on amazon. When life gives you proprietary things, just hack it into what you need it to be.

Finding the frames

Like most of the cheap IoT things running on button cells, the scale that I got works on Bluetooth. There are various ways of intercepting bluetooth frames depending on what sort of information you want to capture. If you need to capture frames being sent out by your device or received directly to your device, linux kernel has had support for sniffing this since 2.4.6 which you can directly sniff using wireshark. But unfortunately for us, the smart scale only works with mobile applications and from my guess requires some sort of pairing to work. Another option would be to use something like ubertooth or using some microcontroller dev kits that do support bluetooth monitoring or setting the device in promiscuous mode. Another option and the one I choose was using the device already in your pocket. Android has supported bluetooth sniffing from kitkat version which is pretty great when all you need to do is capture a few frames quickly.

To capture bluetooth frames, you need to go into your developer settings and enable bluetooth host controller interface (hci) snoop or bluetooth hci logging, reboot the system disconnect all other bluetooth devices near you if you can (both connected to phone or otherwise) and then open the dreadful app. Since the app required internet and I connected to my debug wifi network without any devices and logged into the app with some temporary email. Just as I stepped on the scale I could see the app automatically update the screen which could only mean that the device doesn't require any pairing and it's just based on bluetooth low-energy advertising mode to send packets whenever the device is stepped on. That saves us a great deal of effort by not having to figure out the pairing mode.

I stepped on the scale a few times and then closed bluetooth, disabled the hci snoop logging and attempted to get the captured bluetooth frames to my laptop. My approach when I had used this previously was just running

adb pull /sdcard/btsnoop_hci.log

with usb debugging mode but it seems that google has stopped storing the logs there for pixel devices and I had to go to developer setting on my phone again, start the bug report (full report not required just the interactive one is okay) and wait for the zip file to be created and then copied file from the zip file at


to my laptop.

Opening this file on wireshark revealed the many packets that were captured during the few minutes that the logging was on. Luckily for us the weighing scale app had an info page which displayed the bluetooth hardware mac address when it first received the advertisement packet and finding the packets from the packet dump was as simple as finding this macaddress in wireshark. This can be simplified by using the filter

bthci_evt.bd_addr == ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef

with appropriate macaddress for your device. Each of the frames captured were 60 bytes but for us only the data block under the advertising data payload is essential which is about 17 nibbles.

Decoding the hex

The next step is for us to identify what those binary encoded data mean. The hexdump of the frame looks like this

0000:   04 3e 39 0d 01 10 80 00 95 0b 06 01 fb 64 01 00
0010:   ff 7f cc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f 02 01 06
0020:   06 09 49 46 5f 42 37 14 ff 00 01 02 03 11 64 fb
0030:   01 06 0b 95 01 19 28 00 c7 a1 c6 70

the part we need is just this

02 03 11 64 fb 01 06 0b 95 01 19 28 00 c7 a1 c6 70

the next part was just finding patterns in other frames and trying to see what sort of information changed. The last byte felt promising as it kept changing but after looking at it closely it was incrementing sequentially from c6 70 to c7 71 and so on, which meant it could be some sort of internal timestamp or some internal id for keeping track of measurement data so we can scratch the last byte off. We now have 15 nibbles left.

                                             XX XX
02 03 11 64 fb 01 06 0b 95 01 19 28 00 c7 a1 c6 70
                              ^^ ^^
# XX marked for no longer considered and ^^ marked for the current consideration

The other thing that changed slightly were the byte 19 28. The lowest primitives that works well with weighing system would be unsigned short int which has a size of 2 bytes. So putting 0x1928 in the calculator got me 6440. That's my weight multiplied by 100, I was expecting that the values that I was looking for might not be stored as IEEE 754 floats as many cheap microcontrollers don't support floating point but wasn't expecting it to stored like this, but it sort of makes sense after looking at it from the firmware engineer point of view. Just to make sure this was weight and not some random bytes coincidentally adding up to my weight, I recaptured some more bluetooth frames, this time drinking increasing amount of water after every measurement. Turns out it was what I was looking for and the number steadily increased as I was expecting it. Confirming it again through the app I was sure this was what I was looking for. So I crossed it off and now we have 13 nibbles left.

                              XX XX          XX XX
02 03 11 64 fb 01 06 0b 95 01 19 28 00 c7 a1 c6 70
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^                                         
# XX marked for no longer considered and ^^ marked for the current consideration

The first part (of 9 nibbles) never changed and trying to brute force those in groups of 1 byte, 2 bytes and 4 bytes didn't get any useful values either and I had to start going through the app again. Luckily, while trying to find the name of the device in their info section I found a value called serial number which turns out to be the same as the first 9 nibbles with an additional nibble prefix. Going through the wireshark payload, I found out that the nibble prefix was actually the company id field so if I consider that and merge it with the first 9 nibbles from the payload I get the 5 bytes worth of entire serial number that the app shows. So we can safely cancel these out. Now we just have 4 nibbles left.

02 03 11 64 fb 01 06 0b 95 01 19 28 00 c7 a1 c6 70
                                    ^^ ^^ ^^    
# XX marked for no longer considered and ^^ marked for the current consideration

I tried looking at the three nibbles between the previous two values and found that it was switching between 00 00 00 for many frames and back to 00 c7 a1. I was a bit confused but remembered the popup from the app for not placing my feet on the metal discs on the scale. After doing a quick online search, I found out that the metal discs were two pairs of electrodes that were measuring Bioelectrical impedance analysis [1] by sending tiny current through the feet. Whenever I had not stepped on them properly the values were 0 so they must be some sort of Impedance values or calculated body water percentage. I will probably read a bit more about this and update this section when I have found how it works later.


This turned out to be an interesting evening exercise but sadly I still haven't got the fancy graphs that I wanted on my homeassistant dashboard whenever I check my weight. I have some ideas going forward and I'll try it out later.

